Buying property in Spain after brexit

Brexit and how it now affects your property purchase in Spain

After Brexit, there will be some changes for Brits who want to buy a property here.

In general buying property will be unaffected, but if you’re planning to move here  permanently, then some new rules may apply.

Here is a breakdown of current rules.

With the UK having left the EU, some new rules will apply to British people moving to Spain.

The good news is that property buyers will be completely unaffected by Brexit. It is only if you are moving permanently that new rules will apply.

1. The right to buy and own property

You will continue to be able to buy and own property in Spain after Brexit, just as before, even after the transition period. Property ownership comes under Spanish, not EU control. You will also be able to rent it out, just the same as an EU citizen.


2. Access to health services
Holiday home buyers
Unfortunately EHICS are no longer valid for Brits, so you will need travel insurance.

If you are resident by 31 December, you will have ‘life-long healthcare rights’, as long as you remain resident. If you are coming out after the 31st of December, then you will need to demonstrate a private healthcare insurance policy.

3. Length of Stay Holiday homes

Non eu citizens are allowed up to 90 days in every 180, for this no visa is needed non-EU citizens are allowed free access without a visa for 90 days.  If you wish to stay for longer 90 days, then you will need a visa.


4. Permanent Move
There are currently two visas available for Brits wishing to move to Spain these are:

a) non-lucrative, The non lucrativ visa for non-EU citizens will require you to prove that you have 26,000 euros for one person, or 32,000 for 2 people in a bank in Spain for a minimum of 3 years without touching it,  this is the option that most retirees are likely to take. However, please note that the UK and Spanish governments are in discussions over this (previously the requirement was 9,000 euros per annum).

b) Golden Visa, this is available for people investing minimum €500,000 in property or businesses in Spain.


5. Military Zone - UPDATE! - This rule has now been scrapped by Spain - who knows, fingers crossed they review the above rules and hopefully scrap them as well.


If you have any questions or need any help about buying in Spain after brexit, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us any time.

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